The Division of the Public Advocate strongly believes that information and knowledge helps to empower customers. With that in mind, we have created dedicated web pages related to regulated utility services – electric, natural gas, cable, water, wastewater, and telecommunications – and offering important information on topics such utility programs, financial resources, conservation, and others. The DPA is offering the following links to resources that can help consumers better understand their utility services and use those services in a cost effective manner.
Consumers can find helpful information in the US Consumer Action Handbook (CAH). The CAH can help with consumer purchases, problems and complaints. Find consumer contacts at hundreds of companies and trade associations, local, state, and federal government agencies, national consumer organizations, and more. Also available in print, in English and Spanish, from the U.S. General Services Administration at
Cable Information
Atlantic Broadband, Comcast Cable, and Verizon Delaware LLC make up the major choices for regulated cable in Delaware. Learn more about all three.
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Electricity Information
Delmarva Power and Light, Inc. (“Delmarva Power”) is the only electric distribution company (“EDC”) regulated by the Delaware Public Service Commission.
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Natural Gas
Both Delmarva Power and Chesapeake offer a number of programs designed to help their customers, learn more about each of these supporting programs.
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Delmarva Power and Light, Inc. (“Delmarva Power”) is the only electric distribution company (“EDC”) regulated by the Delaware Public Service Commission.
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In some cases rather than receiving one bill for water services and a second bill for wastewater services, both bills will be combined into a single bill.
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Delawareans can choose from Artesian, Long Neck, Sussex Shores, Tidewater Utilities, United Water, Broadkiln Beach, Prime Hook, and Wilkerson Water.
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Related Topics: cable, consumers, customers, Division of the Public Advocate, DPA, electric, natural gas, Public Advocate, rates, telecommunications, wastewater, water