Delaware Division of the
Public Advocate

Artificial Island Proposal

Date Posted: Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

This morning the DPA had the opportunity to attend the Regional Legislative Electronic Transmission Cost Equity Committee meeting in the Senate Chamber. This meeting was called by the co-chairs, Senator McDowell and Representative Paradee, to hear from PJM on the Artificial Island proposal. We were afforded the opportunity for public comments and our comments are listed below.

Good Afternoon,


Thank you for the opportunity to come before you. My name is Drew Slater and I am the public advocate for Delaware.

We are opposed to the cost allocation of this project. As Senator McDowell and Representative Paradee stated, this is a regional benefit but a localized cost. I have seen mentioned that the load saving is $170 million per year regionally yet the allocation is almost entirely on the Delmarva Zone where our load savings would be about $17 million or 10%. We oppose this cost allocation as the rates are not just and reasonable to the ratepayers of our State who carry a majority of the costs at a floor of $2 per month over 40 years.

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