April is National Safe Digging Month
April is National Safe Digging Month! Digging without knowing the approximate location of underground utilities can result in damage to gas, electric, communications, water and sewer lines, which can lead to service disruptions, serious injuries and costly repairs. Call 8-1-1 BEFORE you dig!
Gov. Carney & Gov. Hogan Issue Letter
Governor Carney and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan issue a joint letter opposing the Artificial Island cost allocation as an unjust rate increase on Delmarva Zone customers. Check out the article here.
General Assembly Passes SJR 1
The General Assembly passed SJR 1 this afternoon, which opposes the Artificial Island project cost allocation and urges PJM to join Delaware, and other parties, contesting the cost allocation before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This bill was passed unanimously and signed by the Governor.
Opposition of Cost Allocation
This morning, Public Advocate Drew Slater sent a letter to PJM ahead of their board meeting later this week opposing the cost allocation of the Artificial Island project. You can read the letter here.
News Journal Article on Artificial Island
The News Journal wrote an article on Artificial Island and the cost to consumers. We appreciate them bringing this important issue to the forefront to inform consumers of the $2-$4 cost per month for the next 40 years. You can read the article here .
Artificial Island Proposal
This morning the DPA had the opportunity to attend the Regional Legislative Electronic Transmission Cost Equity Committee meeting in the Senate Chamber. This meeting was called by the co-chairs, Senator McDowell and Representative Paradee, to hear from PJM on the Artificial Island proposal. We were afforded the opportunity for public comments and our comments are […]
Power Restoration After Storm
As of 7:00am, approximately 1,800 customers are without power and should be restored by noon today. If your power is still out and you need assistance with food or lodging, please contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767.
Update on Electric Outages
UPDATE on electric outage: DPL has restored power to 90 percent of the reported outages.
Stella Storm Power Outages
There are more than 30,000 DPL customers without power in New Castle County due to the Stella storm. If you are experiencing an outage, call 1-800-898-8042. More information to follow here and on Facebook.
Article About Artificial Island Project
An article from Delaware Public Media relating to the Artificial Island Project. PJM revives Artificial Island project.